
Best Camera Settings for Low Light Photography

When shooting in low light, your camera struggles to gather enough light to produce a well-exposed image. This challenge often results in images that are dark, grainy, or blurry. However, with the right camera settings and techniques, you can create stunning low-lit images that truly capture the mood and ambiance of the scene. Camera Settings ...
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8 Reasons Your Photos Aren’t Sharp

Have you ever gotten your photos onto your computer and then realized they weren’t as sharp as they should be? This is the kind of thing that can ruin an entire shoot. So I made this video to help you identify and fix 8 of the most common problems… Looking for more in-depth training on ...
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What Is ISO In Photography?

ISO is one of the primary camera settings that you use to control the exposure of your image. It is represented by a number typically anywhere from 50 to as high as 32,000 or more. Like other camera settings it is represented in ‘stops’ and each full stop up is double the lower stop (ie. ...
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What Is The Reciprocal Rule In Photography? (…and why is it important)

The reciprocal rule in photography is that when shooting a photo handheld, your shutter speed should be the reciprocal of the focal length that you are shooting at (1/focal length) in order to avoid blur caused by the natural shaking of your hands. This means that the wider focal length you are shooting at, the ...
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Depth Of Field In Photography (and how to adjust it)

Understanding depth of field is one of the keys to ensuring that your photos are always in focus in the parts you want to be sharp. Depth of field (DoF) is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image. It is determined by aperture, focal ...
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What Is The Rule Of Thirds In Photography

Strictly speaking, the rule of thirds isn’t limited to photography alone. It is directly connected to the ‘Golden Ratio,’ seen all around us in nature. It is a simple ratio, 1.618 to 1. There are numerous examples of the golden ratio, also referred to as the ‘Golden Mean’ or the ‘Divine Proportion’ in nature. There ...
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Understanding Shutter Priority Mode

Your camera has several markings on them. The main shooting dial on your camera has the markings P, A, S, M, etc. There are several other markings on the camera and lens body. The S marking is for Shutter Priority. On some camera systems, it’s marked as Tv for Time Value, but they’re all the ...
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Camera Metering Modes Explained

Your digital camera has a built-in system for determining what the proper settings are. It’s not perfect, but it does a decent job most of the time. Knowing which metering mode to use for a certain scene can improve the accuracy significantly. However, the different metering modes can be confusing to some, so I broke ...
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Understanding Camera Focus Modes (A Beginner’s Guide)

If you are just starting in photography you must have come across the term focus or focusing quite a few times. Focusing is the process of bringing the subject of the photo to its maximum possible sharpness onto the image plane. The image plane is the sensor (or the film) at the back of the ...
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Understanding Aperture Priority Mode

Are you desperate to get out of Auto mode but don’t know where to start? Aperture Priority is the next step for a lot of beginner photographers. But keep reading, because at the end of this article, I’ll show you why that’s a terrible approach. You may look at your camera’s mode dial and wonder ...
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